Category Archives: Slavonian Heart 2011.

Awards of 8th Slavonian Heart / Nagrade 8. Srca Slavonije

In friday 24.06.2011. finished 8. International Ethno Film Festival “The Heart of Slavonia”. The golden Heart of Slavonia won Italian shepherd’s story “Feeling the air” (Sentire l’ aria) by Manuela Cecconella produced Prospettiva Nevskij. And silver Heart for the title “Sacred Dancer” goes to Italy to author Diego D’Innocenzo for Indian-Italian film produced by Terra […]

Posted in Film, Slavonian Heart 2011., Vijesti

Slavonian Heart 2011.

Posted in Film, Slavonian Heart 2011., Vijesti

Slavonian Heart 2011 – Official program

22. – 24. 06. 2011. Name of the movie / Country 1. Sentire l’aria (Feeling the air) / Italy 2. The way to Sundance / Switzerland 3. Living in the perfect world / Italy 4. Kad dedi drmaju / Croatia 5. Historie sans fin (Endless history) / France 6. Le chaman, son neveu … et […]

Posted in Film, Slavonian Heart 2011., Vijesti

Slavonian Heart – Propositions

8. ETHNO FILM FEST DJAKOVO, CROATIA June, 2011 Application form

Posted in Film, Slavonian Heart 2011., Vijesti