U okviru 6. Manifestacije Đakovački rezovi u gradu Đakovu od 18. do 20. lipnja 2015. godine organizira se 12. Međunarodni Etno film festival – Srce Slavonije.
Ovim Vas putem pozivamo da se prijavite i sudjelujete na natječaju za Zlatno srce Slavonije. Festival osim projekcija filmova donosi popratne sadržaje kao što su izložbe fotografija, promocije, koncerti i razne kulturne i umjetničke radionice.
Na dnu stranice možete pronaći prijavnicu za sudjelovanje, a za sva ostala pitanja slobodno nam se obratite na e-mail: rezovi@gmail.com.
Trajanje i tehnika snimanja nisu zadani.
Naš je cilj ovim festivalom stvoriti kreativnu i opuštenu atmosferu za razmjenu ideja i jedinstveno i prepoznatljivo mjesto susreta s
filmskom industrijom koja oživljava stare običaje i kulturu.
Natječaj je otvoren do 01. svibnja 2015. godine.
O konačnom izboru filmova, svi autori biti će dodatno obaviješteni.
12th International Ethno film Festival – the Heart of Slavonia (18th – 20st June 2015)
The 12th International Ethno Film Festival The Heart of Slavonia is a part of the 6th manifestation Djakovacki rezovi in Djakovo (Republic of Croatia) which takes place from the 18th to 20th June 2015. We hereby invite you to sign up and participate in the competition for the Golden Heart of Slavonia.
Besides the projections the festival offers contents such as photography exhibitions, promotions, concerts and a variety of cultural and art workshops.
In attachment to this call you can find an application form, for any other questions you can feel free to contact us at rezovi@gmail.com.
The duration and filming techniques are not set.
The goals of this festival are to create a creative and casual atmosphere for exchanging ideas and also to be a unique and distinctive place to meet with the film industry that revives old traditions and culture.
The competition is open until May 1st, 2015.
All authors will be informed regarding to the final selection of films.
Application Form: